Don’ts For Spring Cleanup
Last week I listed things you should do in your landscape for spring cleanup. This blog is about things to not do or not do too early.
Do not cut back roses, buddlia (butterfly bush), caryopteris until the weather is warmer. Late spring frosts can kill the plants if cut back too early.
Do not cut clematis back in the spring except for the fall blooming paniculata because you will be cutting off the blooms. Wait until it finishes its bloom before pruning.
Do not prune any spring or early summer blooming plant until after it blooms unless you do not care about forgoing the flower for that season.
Do not shear any plant that you want to keep in its natural growing shape. Shearing ruins the form of most plants that are pruned that way. The correct way to reduce the size of ta plant is to cut one third of the plant way down into the wood of it. That will take a few years to grow back out. Each year you should cut one thhird or so of the plant; that way you will be keeping it at the size you desire without ruining the look of it.
Do not use dyed mulch (even though the color holds up better) if you care about adding dyes to our water table and if you don’t want to have unnecessary wood born insects, such as termites, on your property. Dyed mulch is not aged naturally so it doesn’t heat up to destroy these insects before being laid on your property.
If you need professional pruning or are not sure what to prune and when, call us to help you.